7. Rat Cells
[ RAOEC ] [ RAOSMC ] [ RCm ] [ RCF ] [ RDF ] [ REK ] [ RH ] [ RLF ]
Rat Cardiac Fibroblasts

Rat cardiomyocytes (RCm) are Rat Cardiac Fibroblasts (RCF) are derived from the heart tissue of normal Sprague Dawley rats. They are cryopreserved at second passage and can be cultured and propagated at least 8 population doublings. Rat Cardiac Fibroblasts are known to play key roles in the development of cardiac disease and hypertrophy1. The regulation of fibroblast growth after acute myocardial infarction was determined in RCF2. Cardiac fibroblasts were examined as a potential source of pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-6 synthesis which had been implicated in the pathophysiology of heart disease3. RCF have also been used to study the autocrine/paracrine capability mediated by vasodilator such as adernomedullin4. RCF are used to investigate their role in local hormone metabolism5 . Nitric oxide (NO) production in RCF decreases cAMP accumulation largely by the cGMP-mediated activation of PDE26 .  IL-1 beta-induced inducible NO synthase expression can trigger NO-dependent apoptosis in adult RCF7.

Healthy monitoring report of animals were performed by Harlan Sprague Dawley, Inc.
Product Name Product Description Size (vol) Cat. No.
RCF Total Kit Each kit contains an ampoule of cryopreserved RCF (R306-05), 500 ml of Rat Fibroblast Growth Medium (R116-500), and a Subculture Reagent Kit. 1 Kit R306K-05
Cryopreserved RCF

(>500,000 cells in an ampoule)

Cryopreserved at second passage in Rat Fibroblast Basal Medium that contains 10% FBS and 10% DMSO.

1 Ampoule R306-05

Proliferating RCF

In Flasks

Cultured and shipped in flasks at third passage in Rat Fibroblast Growth Medium.

T-25 Flask

2 T-25 Flasks

T-75 Flask or 3 T-25 Flasks




Proliferating RCF

In Multiwell Plates

Cultured and shipped in plates at third passage in Rat Fibroblast Growth Medium.

  6 well 

12 well

24 well

48 well

96 well






Rat Fibroblast Growth Medium Optimized and ready for use 500 ml R116-500
Rat Fibroblast Growth Medium Kit Basal Medium & Growth Supplement packaged separately Yields 500 ml R116K-500
Rat Fibroblast Basal Medium Add Growth Supplement before use 500 ml R115-500
Rat Fibroblast Growth Supplement   50 ml R116-GS
Subculture Reagent Kit 100 ml each of HBSS, Trypsin/EDTA & Trypsin Neutralizing Solution   100 ml 090K