Human Cell Total RNA
  • Superior quality Total RNA from normal human primary cells and cell lines

  • DNase-treated to remove contaminating genomic DNA

  • Stringent quality control to confirm the intactness of RNA

  • 10 μg and 25 μg  per vial at concentration of 1 mg/ml

  • Ready for use in downstream application

a = adult

f  = fetal

n = neonatal

           Cell Total  RNA       

Cat No.

(10 μg)

Cat No.

(25 μg)

HAOEC (Aortic Endothelial Cells) 304-R10a 304-R25a
HAOSMC (Aortic Smooth Muscle Cells) 354-R10a 354-R25a
HBEpC (Bronchial Epithelial Cells) 502-R10a 502-R25a
HC (Fetal Chondrocytes) 402-R10f 402-R25f
De-Differentiated HC (De-Differentiated Fetal Chondrocytes) 402DD-R10f 402DD-R25f
Re-Differentiated HC (Re-Differentiated Fetal Chondrocytes) 402RD-R10f 402RD-R25f
HC (Adult Chondrocytes) 402-R10a 402-R25a
De-Differentiated HC (De-Differentiated Adult Chondrocytes) 402DD-R10a 402DD-R25a
Re-Differentiated HC (Re-Differentiated Adult Chondrocytes) 402RD-R10a 402RD-R25a
HCAEC (Coronary Artery Endothelial Cells) 300-R10a 300-R25a
HCASMC (Coronary Artery Smooth Muscle Cells) 350-R10a 350-R25a
HCF (Fetal Cardiac Fibroblasts) 306-R10f 306-R25f
HDF (Fetal Dermal Fibroblasts) 106-R10f 106-R25f
HDF (Neonatal Dermal Fibroblasts) 106-R10n 106-R25n
HEK (Epidermal Keratinocytes) 102-R10a 102-R25a
HEK (Neonatal Epidermal Keratinocytes) 102-R10n 102-R25n
HeLa S3 (Cervical Epithelioid Carcinoma Cells) CL01-R10a CL01-R25a
HEM (Neonatal Epidermal Melanocytes) 104-R10n 104-R25n
HFDPC (Follicle Dermal Papilla Cells) 602-R10a 602-R25a
HFLS-OA (Fibroblast-Like Synoviocytes-Osteo Arthritis) 408OA-R10a 408OA-R25a
HFLS-RA (Fibroblast-Like Synoviocytes-Rheumatoid Arthritis) 408RA-R10a 408RA-R25a
HITAEC (Internal Thoracic Artery Endothelial Cells) 308-R10a 308-R25a
HITASMC (Internal Thoracic Artery Smooth Muscle Cells) 358-R10a 358-R25a
HL-60 (Promyelocytic Leukemia Cells) CL02-R10a CL02-R25a
HLF (Fetal Lung Fibroblasts) 506-R10f 506-R25f
HLF (Neonatal Lung Fibroblasts) 506-R10n 506-R25n
HMEpC (Mammary Epithelial Cells) 830-R10a 830-R25a
HMVEC/CADMEC¢â (Dermal Microvascular Endothelial Cells) 100-R10a 100-R25a
Stimulated HMVEC/CADMEC¢â (Stimulated Dermal Microvascular Endothelial Cells) 100S-R10a 100S-R25a
HMVEC /CADMEC¢â (Neonatal Dermal Microvascular Endothelial Cells) 100-R10n 100-R25n
Stimulated HMVEC /CADMEC¢â  (Stimulated Neonatal Dermal Microvascular Endothelial Cells) 100S-R10n 100S-R25n
HOb (Fetal Osteoblasts) 406-R10f 406-R25f
Differentiated HOb (Differentiated Fetal Osteoblasts) 406D-R10f 406D-R25f
Stimulated HOb (Stimulated Fetal Osteoblasts) 406S-R10f 406S-R25f
HPAd (Abdominal Preadipocytes) 802s-R10a 802s-R25a
HAd (Abdominal Adipocytes) 802sD-R10a 802sD-R25a
HPAEC (Pulmonary Artery Endothelial Cells) 302-R10a 302-R25a
HPASMC (Pulmonary Artery Smooth Muscle Cells) 352-R10a 352-R25a
HScAEC (Subclavian Artery Endothelial Cells) 3010-R10a 3010-R25a
HSkMC (Fetal Skeletal Myoblasts) 150-R10f 150-R25f
Differentiated HSkMC (Multinucleated Myotubes) 150D-R10f 150D-R25f
HTEpC (Tracheal Epithelial Cells) 504-R10a 504-R25a
HUAEC (Neonatal Umbilical Artery Endothelial Cells) 202-R10n 202-R25n
HUASMC (Neonatal Umbilical Artery Smooth Muscle Cells) 252-R10n 252-R25n
HUVEC (Neonatal Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells) 200-R10n 200-R25n
Stimulated HUVEC (Stimulated Neonatal Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells) 200S-R10n 200S-R25n