Cell Applications Inc. guarantees to provide the highest quality RNA available. A variety of Total RNA's are prepared from primary cells and tissues from human and animal using a modified guanidium thiocyanate method. Purified RNA is ready for use in various downstream applications, including microarray hybridization, PCR cDNA synthesis and RT-PCR analysis.
Stringent quality control tests were performed on each preparation to confirm the integrity and stability of RNA.
Distinct 28S and 18S ribosomal RNA were shown on 1% denaturing gel before and after 37oC incubation.
No visible Genomic DNA band of 23 kb was detected.
No genomic DNA contamination was detected following PCR amplification using house-keeping gene G3PDH primers.
A 2.2 kb product from mRNA was detected following RT-PCR amplification using human heat shock gene Hsp60 primers.
A discrete band of 2 kb was detected upon hybridization with a human beta-actin cDNa probe in Northern Blot analysis.
Primers were designed to detect mRNA for genes of interest to confirm the phenotype of the cells.